Collective guidance in the apprenticeship education in Finnish small and medium-sized companies

    Activity: Talk or presentationConference presentation


    Due to the ongoing reform processes in Finland it becomes more and more relevant to understand pedagogic practices in the workplaces, as they are increasingly expected to act as learning environments. This paper aims at describing perceptions of guidance in the workplace from different points of view. Here the focus is on examining apprentices’ experiences, and on who provides guidance, and whether it can be seen as a collective phenomenon. The data was collected from ten workplaces in two different sectors, in which each an apprentice, an employer, a workplace trainer and apprentice’s co-worker were interviewed (N=40). The preliminary results of this phenomenographic study challenge the practice of naming and training only responsible workplace trainers; if the responsibilities and processes of guidance were made more transparent in the work community, both apprentices and other members of the work community could become more aware of the objectives set out for workplace learning.
    Period8 Apr 2016
    Event typeConference

    Country of activity

    • United States

    Nature of activity

    • Scientific