Chemistry Labs for optical spectroscopy, analysis, and synthesis

Facility/equipment: Facility

Equipments Details


Chemistry Labs facilitate the most advanced optical spectroscopy studies, state-of the-art chemical and structural analysis and synthetic preparation of chemical substances as well as their demonstrations and teaching of small-to-medium size groups of participants.

The optical spectroscopy instruments available at Chemistry Labs are used to study light-matter interactions over single molecules and complex molecular systems and molecular assemblies, on semiconductors and their nanostructures and semiconductor-organic molecular hybrids, and bio-molecules and biosamples including living cells. The covered spectrum range spans from UV to near infrared, in the time domain from femtoseconds to steady state. The studied phenomena are photo-excitation, photoinduced energy and charge transfer, photon up conversion and excited state fission, photo-activation and kinetics. The infrastructure was used in solar energy and bio-activity research, and it is connect tightly to the PREIN Flagship platform and several national and international research projects.

Chemical analysis instruments facilitate characterization of compounds ranging from small molecules to polymers and supramolecular assemblies. This includes thermogravimetric analysis, infra-red (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). The 500 MHz NMR spectrometer at Chemistry Labs is particularly capable of structural analysis of organic/bioorganic/inorganic substances and materials containing H, C, N, O, F, P, B, Si, Al, Br etc. elements. It is equipped for liquid, semi-liquid and solid-state measurements. New robust and versatile high-resolution TOF mass-spectrometer with ESI and DART ionization coupled with HPLC is suitable for a thorough LCMS separation of complex mixtures, as well as for a quick direct analysis of compounds and substances of natural or synthetic origin without specific sample preparation.

Chemistry Labs are properly equipped for modern synthesis of both small molecules and supramolecular assemblies or polymers with a photochemical, photocatalytic or biological or other functional activity in a micro-to-preparative scale.

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