Activities per year
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IRIS 2010 numerical simulation report: VTT DEND TEST, VTT, Shell model
Tuomala, M. T. E. (Invited lecturer)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
IRIS 2010 numerical simulation report: Meppen case simulated by VTT, axisymmetric model
Tuomala, M. T. E. (Invited lecturer)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Voiko kaupunkikehitystä hallita? - uudet teoriat ja menetelmät kaupunkisuunnittelussa
Partanen, J. (Speaker)
1 Dec 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
invited lecture
Katko, T. S. (Position of trust)
Nov 2009 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Development of environmental services in capital city area in Finland
Juuti, P. (Invited lecturer)
6 Oct 2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Kauppakeskus keskustassa. Palaako kauppa kaupunkiin?
Rantanen, A. (Invited lecturer)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Urban baths and saunas in Helsinki and Tampere
Tikka, H. (Invited lecturer)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Kaatopaikan prosessit ja ympäristövaikutukset
Leppänen, M. (Invited lecturer)
24 Sept 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
invited lecture
Katko, T. S. (Position of trust)
May 2008 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Pilaantuneet maa-ainekset, näytteenotto ja käsittely laboratoriossa
Leppänen, M. (Invited lecturer)
29 Jan 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Kauppakeskus: Kaupunki kaupungissa. Tyypin määrittely, merkityssisältö ja integroituminen kaupunkitilaan
Rantanen, A. (Invited lecturer)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
invited lecture
Katko, T. S. (Position of trust)
2008 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Kauppakeskukset julkisina tiloina
Rantanen, A. (Invited lecturer)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Eksistentialistisen ja ympäristöpsykologisen tutkimusnäkökulman yhteensovittaminen
Passinmäki, P. (Invited lecturer)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Itseorganisoituminen kaupunkikehityksen moottorina
Partanen, J. (Invited lecturer)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Mistä hyvä kaupungiympäristö syntyy?
Partanen, J. (Invited lecturer)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Fenomenologia kaupunkitutkimuksen taustateoriana
Passinmäki, P. (Invited lecturer)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Asiakaslähtöinen vesihuolto
Rajala, R. P. (Invited lecturer)
20 Sept 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Excavations and expectations; Suggestions for new uses of old findings
Pakarinen, T. (Invited lecturer)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
invited lecture
Katko, T. S. (Invited lecturer)
2006 → …Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Tila ja kaupunkitila
Passinmäki, P. (Invited lecturer)
26 Sept 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Heideggerin näkemys arkkitehtuurista
Passinmäki, P. (Invited lecturer)
14 Mar 2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
1st Urban development report: International comparison - Building culture and urban redevelopment in Finland
Lodenius, B. S. (Invited lecturer)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
The architectural history of Europe - The basic phenomena in building culture
Tallqvist, T. (Invited lecturer)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
The change of scale in modular growth of the European city: Case Tampere
Pakarinen, T. (Invited lecturer)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Stadsmorfologi: Urbana skillnader och relationer
Pakarinen, T. (Invited lecturer)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Ovatko rakennukset lavasteita elämälle?
Passinmäki, P. (Invited lecturer)
1 Apr 2003Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Conservation Strategy and Pre-Conditions for Contemporary Architecture
Koponen, O.-P. (Invited lecturer)
2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
From a Suburb to a Technopolis; Development and Identity
Pakarinen, T. (Invited lecturer)
2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Management of the Industrial Heritage and Education of Architecture
Tallqvist, T. (Invited lecturer)
2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
The Ambiguous Relationship between Architecture and Planning in Modern Urban Planning
Pakarinen, T. (Invited lecturer)
2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture