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1st position in Geo-spatial Knowledge Contest 2016 (GKC2016)
Singhal, A. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Invitation or ranking in competition
2008 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
Zhang, X. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
23rd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, Best poster of Gaseous and particulate pollutants characterization – I
Kuittinen, N. (Recipient), 17 May 2019
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
3rd Award, Student Speech Contest at BALTMATTRIB 2015
Järvinen, H. (Recipient), 6 Nov 2015
Prize: Invitation or ranking in competition
4TU.HTM Best Student Poster Award
Berdin, A. (Recipient), 17 Sept 2019
Prize: Invitation or ranking in competition
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5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) Best Presentation Award
Malvido Fresnillo, P. (Recipient), 8 Jun 2022
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Adult Educator of the year 2016
Latokartano, J. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Annual literature prize of Water Association, Finland
Puhakka, J. (Recipient), 1996
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
APS Outstanding Referee award
Steinmeyer, G. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award 2016
Björkqvist, T. (Recipient), 27 Sept 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Asiantuntijalausunto: Eveliina Revon lisensiaatintutkimuksen tarkistus
Lahtinen, R. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Asiantuntijalausunto: FM Heikki Heiskasen lisensiaatintutkimus Electronic structure of triangular, hexagonal and round graphene flakes
Nieminen, J. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Asiantuntijalausunto: Petition for alien with extraordinary ability
Kauranen, M. (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Asiantuntijalausunto: Petition for alien with National Interest Waiver
Kauranen, M. (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Asiantuntijalausunto: Pro gradu -tutkielman tarkastus: Seppälä, L., Sustainable responsible outdoor clothing: What every designer should know
Talvenmaa, P. A. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Asiantuntijalausunto: Räsänen, Jenni, Pro gradu -tutkielma, Tekstiilijätteen katoamistemppu. Kuluttajapoistojen hyötykäytön ennaltasuunnittelumahdollisuudet suomalaisessa tekstiili- ja vaatetustuotannossa
Talvenmaa, P. A. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
ASM TSS Thermal Spray Hall of Fame
Vuoristo, P. (Recipient), 27 Jan 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
Award for best lecture at
Nevalainen, K. M. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Awards: Automaatiopalkinto 2009: Esitelmä: Biologisten solujen käsittelyn automaatio. Palkittu työryhmä Tampereen teknillisestä yliopistosta: professori Pasi Kallio, Johana Kuncová-Kallio, Matti Vilkko ja Pekka Ronkanen.
Vilkko, M. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Awards: Automaatiopalkinto 2009: Esitelmä: Biologisten solujen käsittelyn automaatio. Palkittu työryhmä Tampereen teknillisestä yliopistosta: professori Pasi Kallio, Johana Kuncová-Kallio, Matti Vilkko ja Pekka Ronkanen.
Kallio, P. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Awards: Automaatiopalkinto 2009: Esitelmä: Biologisten solujen käsittelyn automaatio. Palkittu työryhmä Tampereen teknillisestä yliopistosta: professori Pasi Kallio, Johana Kuncová-Kallio, Matti Vilkko ja Pekka Ronkanen.
Kuncova-Kallio, J. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Awards: Honorary diploma for lifetime achievements in the field of MBE science and technology
Pessa, V. M. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
Awards: Student prize for outstanding poster presentation
Aho, A. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Polojärvi, V. (Recipient), 30 May 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best paper award
Ranta, V. (Recipient), Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (Recipient) & Mäkinen, S. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper Award
Pyrhönen, V.-P. (Recipient), 30 Nov 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper Award: High-Speed Distributed-Feedback Lasers with Nanoscale Surface Gratings
Dumitrescu, M. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper Award: High-Speed Distributed-Feedback Lasers with Nanoscale Surface Gratings
Laakso, A. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper Award: High-Speed Distributed-Feedback Lasers with Nanoscale Surface Gratings
Viheriälä, J. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper Award at the 2022 GFPS PhD Symposium
Fassbender, D. (Recipient), Brach, C. (Recipient) & Minav, T. (Recipient), 13 Oct 2022
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper Award for Robotics Application
Mohammadi Aref, M. (Recipient), Ghabcheloo, R. (Recipient), Kolu, A. (Recipient) & Mattila, J. (Recipient), 1 Jul 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Best Paper Finalist: Global Path Planning with Obstacle Avoidance for Omnidirectional Mobile Robots Using Overhead Camera
Mattila, J. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Best Paper Finalist: Global Path Planning with Obstacle Avoidance for Omnidirectional Mobile Robots Using Overhead Camera
Ziaei, Z. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Best Paper Finalist: Global Path Planning with Obstacle Avoidance for Omnidirectional Mobile Robots Using Overhead Camera
Oftadeh, R. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Other expert tasks and merits
Best Paper Finalist Award
Adeleke, A. (Recipient) & Mattila, J. (Recipient), 20 Nov 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper on Sustainability Award
Ranta, V. (Recipient), Lyytinen, T. (Recipient), Levänen, J. (Recipient), Patala, S. (Recipient) & Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (Recipient), May 2018
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Paper presentation award
Singhal, A. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
Best PhD Thesis in Optics in 2014
Hakkarainen, T. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best popular presentation of water science: Highly Commended
Katko, T. S. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best poster award
Singhal, A. (Recipient), 19 May 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic career
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Best Poster Award
Lintusaari, H. (Recipient), 9 Aug 2023
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Poster Award, Automaatio XXII seminar
Björkqvist, T. (Recipient), Korpela, T. (Recipient), Majanne, Y. (Recipient), Vilkko, M. (Recipient) & Tuovinen, O. (Recipient), 24 Mar 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best poster presentation award
Amiot, C. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Poster Prize at the 29th topical meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
Koskue, V. (Recipient), 21 Apr 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Presentation
Javanshour, F. (Recipient), 8 Jul 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Best presentation award
Fantozzi, D. (Recipient), 1 Jul 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best SERVSIG Conference Paper Award Finalist
Litovuo, L. (Recipient), Jaakkola, E. (Recipient), Aarikka-Stenroos, L. (Recipient), Karisalmi, N. (Recipient), Kaipio, J. (Recipient) & Nieminen, M. (Recipient), Jun 2018
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Best Student Paper Award
Tavast, M. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work