Activities per year
- 2,100 - 2,150 out of 2,515 results
Search results
Discontinuities in the industrial buyer-seller relationships - Reflections of Ford's (1980) buyer-seller relationship development model
Kaunonen, A. M. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Discontinuities in the industrial buyer-seller relationships - Reflections of Ford's (1980) buyer-seller relationship development model
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Combining consulting and research - Young researchers' viewpoints
Nokelainen, T. S. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Omakohtaiset kokemukset Tapaturmapakin käytöstä. Tapaturmapakin asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyt
Nenonen, N. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
9th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference (MAR2009), June 21-24, 2009, Münster, Germany
Sievänen, M. I. (Member)
2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
EBRF 2009 Conference, September 23-25, Jyväskylä, Finland
Suomala, P. (Chair)
2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Chair of workshop, panel, session or tutorial
New service products of a machinery manufacturer: Examining the new accounting objects
Paranko, J. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The shining growth and downfall of Nokia's contract manufacturer: Case Eimo
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Työturvallisuustutkimuksen nykytila ja tulevaisuus
Saarela, K. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Asiantuntijalausunto: Professorin virka, johtaminen ja organisaatiot, erityisesti yrittäjyys ja pk-yritysten johtaminen
Uusi-Rauva, E. S. (Examiner)
2009Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
Knowledge Management Research and Practice (Journal)
Kujansivu, P. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Toimintamalli palvelun tuottajan turvallisuuden hallintaan
Nenonen, S. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Risikko, T., Safety, health and productivity of cold work
Saarela, K. (Examiner)
2009Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Business Process Management Journal (Journal)
Seppänen, M. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Scandinavian Journal of Management (Journal)
Nokelainen, T. S. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Safety Science (Journal)
Kivistö-Rahnasto, J. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Studies in Higher Education (Journal)
Martinsuo, M. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
International Journal of Project Management (Journal)
Martinsuo, M. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
ECIC 2009, European Conference on Intellectual Capital, INHolland University of Applied Sciences, Haarlem, 28-29 April 2009, The Netherlands (Journal)
Jääskeläinen, A. (Reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Conference Article
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja ja vastaväittäjä: Sintonen, S., Older consumers adopting information and communication technology: Evaluating opprotunities for health care applications
Mäkinen, S. (Examiner)
11 Nov 2008Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja ja vastaväittäjä: Korhonen, K., Facilitating coordination improvement efforts in cross-functional process development programs
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
19 Jun 2008Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Occupational accidents at shared workplaces – A case in industrial services
Nenonen, S. (Speaker)
May 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Machangu, B., The Compliance Costs of Value Added Tax: a Case of the Taxpayers in Tanzania
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
28 Mar 2008Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Yang, D., Total synchronization of demand-supply in global manufacturing - An action research for managing changes in electronics industry
Lehtonen, J.-M. (Examiner)
16 Jan 2008Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
The risk of loosing customer value while standardizing industrial investment products
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Pirkanmaan Yrityskummit ry (External organisation)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Position of trust)
2008Activity: Membership › Position of trust in the private sector
Kunta-alan työtapaturmat ja ammattitaudit vuonna 2004 Tilasto- ja vahinkokuvausaineiston hyödyntäminen
Nenonen, N. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Differences in women managers' achieving styles in Bulgaria and Finland
Gotcheva, N. L. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Application of dance course metaphor in organizational learning between supplier and customer relationship management
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Global key account as a vehicle for diffusing subsidiary initiatives in multinational corporations
Lyly-Yrjänäinen, J. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Pakistan Journal of Social Science (Journal)
Kujansivu, P. (Reviewer)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
EBRF 2008, Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society, September 22-24, 2008, Finland - Sweden
Uusitalo, O. (Chair)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Chair of workshop, panel, session or tutorial
The challenge of cold calls in services sales of project business - a novel approach to the "After-Sales" Services
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology, 21-24 September, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
Seppänen, M. (Chair)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Chair of workshop, panel, session or tutorial
Pienten ohjelmistoyritysten työhyvinvointi ja kehittämistarpeet
Pajarre, E. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The challenge of cold calls in services sales of project business - a novel approach to the "After-Sales" Services
Kaunonen, A. M. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Evolution of advertising language in high-tech products
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Competitive dynamics, strategic consistency and organizational survival
Nokelainen, T. S. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Evaluation of university safety management system
Koskela, M. T. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
On media reporting bias; Review of the state-of-the-art knowledge and avenues for future research
Nokelainen, T. S. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Global key account as a vehicle for diffusing subsidiary initiatives in multinational corporations
Suomala, P. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Handbook of Technology Management (Journal)
Uusitalo, O. (Reviewer)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Other Manuscript
PICMET ´08 Conference, July 27-31, 2008, Cape Town, South Africa
Mäkinen, S. (Chair)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Chair of workshop, panel, session or tutorial
Student-run company as a tool in easing the employment process of international management students
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Leadership-teoriat ja -tutkimus: Mitä uutta?
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology, 21-24 September, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
Seppänen, M. (Member)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
R+D+4i-Project. Searching an European response to the challenges of globalisation (External organisation)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Position of trust)
2008Activity: Membership › Position of trust in public sector
Vastaväittäjä: Laukkanen, I., Strategisen osaamisen siirtäminen ja kompetenssien kehittäminen komplekseissa paperin tuotantoympäristöissä
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Use of distributed computing in derivative pricing
Mikkonen, T. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation