Activities per year
- 2,200 - 2,250 out of 2,516 results
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Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Ojala, J., Toiminnan laadun parantaminen organisaation itsearvioinnilla - tutkimus Suomen puolustusvoimien tulos-yksiköissä
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
11 Apr 2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Asiantuntijalausunto: Liiketaloustieteen, erityisesti konseptijohtamisen professorin virantäyttö
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
6 Mar 2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
Global key account as a vehicle for diffusing subsidiary initiatives in multinational corporations
Lyly-Yrjänäinen, J. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Planar Systems, Inc.: Search for Profitable Growth in the Innovative Display Solutions Business
Heikkilä, J. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Other › Media appearance
Teknillisen korkeakoulun laadunvarmistusjärjestelmän auditointiryhmän jäsen
Uusi-Rauva, E. S. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Evaluation of activities
Vastaväittäjä: Soone, I., Interreations Between Retail Service Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Holistic Perspective
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Bacon and eggs: Type on involvement and its consequences in the open source context
Seppänen, M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Journal of Small Business Management (Journal)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Reviewer)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
International Journal of Project Management (Journal)
Martinsuo, M. (Reviewer)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
The principles and planning process of an electronic kanban system
Kouri, I. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (External organisation)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Position of trust)
2007Activity: Membership › Position of trust in public sector
Linguistic analysis of advertising texts of technology products in French and Finnish markets
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
ZfKE Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (Journal)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Reviewer)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
EISAM, European Insitute for Advanced Studies in Management (External organisation)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Position of trust)
2007Activity: Membership › Regular membership of a society or network
International Journal of Technology Management (Journal)
Seppänen, M. (Reviewer)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
International Journal of Project Organisation and Management (Journal)
Martinsuo, M. (Editorial board member)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Membership of an editorial board
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Laukkanen, I., Knowledge transfer and competence development in complex papermaking production environments
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
The principles and planning process of an electronic kanban system
Vilpola, I. H. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Mäki, K., Yhteistyö yrittäjämäisten mahdollisuuksien tavoittelussa. Yhteistyön luonne ja yhteistyösuhteiden lähteet suomalaisissa teknologiahautomoyrityksissä
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Asiantuntijalausunto: liiketataloustieteen, erityisesti konseptijohtamisen määräaikainen professorin virka
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
Asiantuntijalausunto: Dosentuuri, Yrittäjyys, erityisesti uuden yritystoiminnan luominen ja yritysten kasvu
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of docentship
Linguistic study of advertising texts in a cross-national setting: Some empirical findings
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Coaching - uusi kummien työkalu?
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Tuotantotalouden valtakunnallinen tohtoriohjelma (External organisation)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Position of trust)
2007Activity: Membership › Position of trust in a funding organization
Globalisaatio ja henkilöstön kehittämisen haasteet Suomessa
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Tampereen kesäyliopisto (External organisation)
Vanha-aho, P. (Position of trust)
2007Activity: Membership › Position of trust in an academic community
Matching value proposition with customer value: A case in high technology transfer
Kostamovaara, H. M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Digital camera's usage scenarios in advertising texts - the roles of the consumer and of the technology product
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
17th Global Conference IntEnt 2007, Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training, 8-11 July 2007, Gdansk, Poland
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Member)
2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Oppisopimuskoulutuksen tiedotuslehti Osaaja (Journal)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Editorial board member)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Membership of an editorial board
Validation of the business simulation as a holistic tool for teaching / learning in international business management?
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Työsuojelurahasto (External organisation)
Uusi-Rauva, E. S. (Position of trust)
2007Activity: Membership › Position of trust in a funding organization
Appropriation of Western ideologies of beauty in Nordic consumer culture
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The principles and planning process of an electronic kanban system
Salmimaa, T. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Impact of strategic HRM on par-Nordic integration process: Case study in banking
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
ZfKE, Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (Journal)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Editorial board member)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Membership of an editorial board
Linguistic study of advertising texts in a cross-national setting: Some empirical findings
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Stimulating small software companies to grow and develop
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The 17th Nordic Research Conference on Safety NoFS
Saarela, K. (Member)
2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Membership of an organizing committee of a conference or seminar
Global key account as a vehicle for diffusing subsidiary initiatives in multinational corporations
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Global key account as a vehicle for diffusing subsidiary initiatives in multinational corporations
Suomala, P. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Management Research (Journal)
Kujansivu, P. (Reviewer)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Asiantuntijalausunto: Työpsykologian ja johtamisen professuuri
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
Speed and quality in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery: is there a connection?
Lehtonen, J.-M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Matching value proposition with customer value: A case in high technology transfer
Seppänen, M. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
A method for accounting productivity in sales process of industrial products
Uusitalo, O. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Asiantuntijalausunto: Markkinoinnin, erityisesti sähköinen markkinointi, dosentuuri
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of docentship
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (Journal)
Mäkinen, S. (Reviewer)
2007Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention ORP2007
Saarela, K. (Member)
2007Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Vastaväittäjä: Lend, E.: Transpordiühenduse ja logistikasüsteemi interaktsioon (Saaremaa ja Hiiumaa näjdetel)
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students