Activities per year
- 2,300 - 2,350 out of 2,516 results
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How do investments in intellectual capital create profits?
Lönnqvist, A. M. O. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
MetaSignal - software package for automated event data analysis
Nokelainen, T. S. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
HRM in Finland 1985-2005: reflections from a Professional Association's perspective
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Resources and dynamic capabilities in business model concepts: a review of the state-of-the-art
Seppänen, M. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
An empirical study of cultural attributes explaining innovators' and early adopters' technology adoption timing
Haapaniemi, T. P. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
How do investments in intellectual capital create profits?
Kujansivu, P. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Asiantuntijalausunto: Markkinoinnin professorin määräaikainen virantäyttö
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
2005Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Arvosanalautakunnan jäsen, Sperling, G., Products, Operations and Markets Strategies of Technology-Intensive Born Clobals. The Case of Israeli Telecommunication Born Globals
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
2005Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Stereotyping and national identity in post-merger development: a pictorial analysis
Miettinen, A. T. T. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
How to enhance diffusion of industrial service innovations in the network of an OEM?
Suomala, P. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
How to enhance diffusion of industrial service innovations in the network of an OEM?
Laine, T. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Empirical analysis of national attributes effect on adoption rate of new technologies: a global study of wireless telecommunications technologies
Suur-Inkeroinen, H. J. K. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Understanding industry dethronement: a marriage between the societal effect and competitive dynamics literatures
Nokelainen, T. S. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Resources and dynamic capabilities in business model concepts: a review of the state-of-the-art
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
EURAM Conference 2005, Track "Rhetorics and Narrative", May 4-7th, 2005, Munich, Germany (Journal)
Peltonen, T. T. J. (Reviewer)
2005Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Conference Article
Improving ERP requirement specification process of SMEs with a customer centered analysis methodology
Kouri, I. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
How to enhance diffusion of industrial service innovations in the network of an OEM?
Varila, M. J. (Speaker)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Väitöskirjan esitarkastaja: Tiensuu, V., Concept Design as Managerial Challenge - the Model of Concept Design of II Generation Process Research
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
14 Dec 2004Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Väitöskirjan esitarkastajaja ja vastaväittäjä: Jokinen, T., Quality Inside a High Technology Project Organization, Laatujohtaminen korkean teknologian projektitoimintaorganisaatiossa
Pirjetä, M. (Examiner)
19 Mar 2004Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Intelligent motorcycle clothing: Considering obstacles for mass customization
Kortesuo, A. J. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Explaining temporal differences in national technology launches: A cross-national study of effect of cultural dimensions
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Teknologian tutkimuksesta
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Using Self-Organising Map to Study Financial Characteristics of Merger Targets
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Pirkanmaan innovaationeuvoston toiminta käynnistyy
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Using Self-Organising Map to Study Financial Characteristics of Merger Targets
Suur-Inkeroinen, H. J. K. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Speed of technology adoption internationally: A cross-national study of two subsequent technological generations
Suur-Inkeroinen, H. J. K. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Teknologia- ja innovaatiotutkimus
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Conceptual and theoretical underpinnings in the research of corporate political activity: A bibliometric analysis
Skippari, M. T. T. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Speed of technology adoption internationally: A cross-national study of two subsequent technological generations
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Lähtökohdat Pirkanmaata koskeville teknologisille arvioille
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Explaining temporal differences in national technology launches: A cross-national study of effect of cultural dimensions
Haapaniemi, T. P. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
International study of a penetration level of takeoff in technology adoption: Two generations of wireless telecommunication Technologies
Haapaniemi, T. P. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Välittävä johtaminen: käsite ja käytännöt
Kujala, L.-M. J. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Multi-voiced stakeholder strategies
Kujala, L.-M. J. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Les différences culturelles entre la France et la Finlande dans les publicités de la nouvelle technologie
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Intelligent motorcycle clothing: Considering obstacles for mass customization
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Technology Benchmarking: A Few Theoretical Groundings
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
A cross-national study on effects of cultural dimensions on national technology launch
Desavelle, H.-K. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Dosentuuri: Organisaatiot ja johtaminen, erityisesti henkilöstöjohtaminen 2004-
Peltonen, T. T. J. (Docentship)
2004Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Using Self-Organising Map to Study Financial Characteristics of Merger Targets
Kanniainen, J. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Teknologia, liiketoiminta ja ennakointi
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
A cross-national study on effects of cultural dimensions on national technology launch
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Jumping the global technology curve: Sprinkler or waterfall model?
Peltonen, L. A. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
WFA-INNO / Pirkanmaan teknologia- ja innovaatiokiihdytyshanke
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
International study of a penetration level of takeoff in technology adoption: Two generations of wireless telecommunication Technologies
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Concepts of business model: A review and consequences to R&D/technology management
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Asiantuntijalausunto: Teknologiatutkimuksen, erityisalana metodiikka, professorin virantäyttö
Uusitalo, O. (Examiner)
2004Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
System dynamics approach to evolution and process of corporate political action
Skippari, M. T. T. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Towards a taxonomic approach of competitive actions
Nokelainen, T. S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Online music and competitive actions in music industry
Mäkinen, S. (Speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation