Activities per year
- 42 results
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Kirjallisuusterapia henkilökohtaisen ja oman ammatillisen kasvun menetelmänä 15 op
Virve Peteri (Other)
Jan 2023 → Jun 2023Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Title of Docent in Sociology
Hanna Rautajoki (Other)
19 Dec 2022Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Docent in social history
Sami Suodenjoki (Docentship)
11 Aug 2022Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Essentials of Doctoral Supervision for the Beginning Supervisor
Enroth, L. (Other)
2021Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Opinnäytetyön ohjaaja -koulutus
Enroth, L. (Other)
2021Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Kulttuuriosallistuminen ja -osallistumattomuus
Riie Daikkilä (Other)
24 Aug 2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Yhteisöllinen kehittämistehtävä
Vähä-Savo, V. (Other)
2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
How to teach multicultural groups?
Enroth, L. (Other)
2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Paula Rauhala (Other)
2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Yliopistopedagogiikan perusteet
Antti Wallin (Other)
2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Opetussuunnitelmatyö yliopistossa
Vähä-Savo, V. (Other)
2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Academic supervision and guidance (Ohjaus yliopistossa)
Sointu, L. (Other)
2020Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Kontekstualisoiva kirjallisuudentutkimus
Maria Mäkelä (Other)
18 Nov 2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
The influence of Edgar Allan Poe and his "The Pit and the Pendulum" on Anglo-American culture
Toikkanen, J. (Other)
17 May 2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Paula Rauhala (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Paula Rauhala (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
How to teach multicultural groups?
Vadim Romashov (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Saarimäki, H. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Teaching and learning in higher education
Atkins, S. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Korpela, M. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Ohjaus yliopistossa
Vahtikari, T. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Yliopistopedagogiikan perusopinnot
Toivo, R. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Yliopistopedagogiikan perusteet
Sami Suodenjoki (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Aho, A. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Opettajan pedagogisen opinnot (yliopistopedagogiikka)
Korpela, M. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Opettajan pedagogiset opinnot (yliopistopedagogiikka)
Lehtinen-Jacks, S. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Keskinen, J. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Tutkiva ja kehittävä opettaja
Ulla Aatsinki (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Ulla Aatsinki (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Competency-Based Teaching and Curriculum
Vadim Romashov (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Yliopistopedagogiikan perusopinnot
Aaltonen, M. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Korkeakoulupedagoginen koulutus. Opettajankelpoisuus
Saarimäki, H. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Tutkiva ja kehittävä opettaja
Korpela, M. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Yhteisöllinen kehittämistehtävä
Toivo, R. (Other)
2019Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Title of Doscent in Sociology
Eriikka Oinonen (Other)
26 Apr 2018Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Docent, University of Helsinki
Saari, J. (Other)
2006Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Docent of human resources, local government economics
Syvänen, S. (Other)
20 Sept 2005Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Docent, University of Jyväskylä
Saari, J. (Other)
2004Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Docent, University of Kuopio
Saari, J. (Other)
2003Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Docent, University of Turku
Saari, J. (Other)
2002Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)