- 200 - 250 out of 5,238 results
Search results
Johanna Annola
- History, Philosophy and Literary Studies - Academy Research Fellow
Person: Teaching and research staff
Shambhavee Annurakshita
- Biomedical Technology - Resource Agreement
Person: Teaching and research staff
Vili Antikainen
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff
Anniina Anttila
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Niina Anttila
- Education - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Education and Society
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Julia Anttilainen
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko
- Administrative Studies - University Lecturer
Person: Teaching and research staff
Riikka Anttonen
- Education - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Education and Society
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Devbrat Anuragi
- Computing Sciences - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Interactive Technology
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Matti Apunen
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences - Professor of Practice
Person: Teaching and research staff
Alexandra Aresta Branco Rangel de Lima
Person: Licentiate Student
Parthasaarathy Ariyakulam Sudarsanam
- Computing Sciences - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Interactive Technology
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Babak Arjmand
- Materials Science and Environmental Engineering - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Engineering and Natural Sciences
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Nana Arjopalo
- Faculty of Education and Culture - University Instructor
Person: Teaching and research staff
Kalle Aro
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Akseli Arola
- Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering - Researcher
Person: Teaching and research staff
BAYAN Arouri
- Unit of Social Research - Resource Agreement
- Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences
Person: Not known, Doctoral Researcher
Otso Arponen
- Neurological and Sensory diseases, Oncology, Surgical sciences - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Teaching and research staff
Lucas Arrais de Campos
- Neurological and Sensory diseases, Oncology, Surgical sciences - Resource Agreement
Person: Teaching and Research Staff
Thais Arrias Weiller
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Amir Arsh
- Biosciences - Resource Agreement
- Doctoral Programme in Medicine, Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Taina Arvola
- KIHA, Pulmonology, dermatology, and allergology
- Children's and Women's health, Diagnostic Medicine, Psychiatry - Resource Agreement
Person: Teaching and research staff
Reza Asadi
- Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Engineering Sciences
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Dilara Asardag
- Communication Sciences - Resource Agreement
- Doctoral Programme in Communication, Media and Theatre
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Imran Asghar
- Materials Science and Environmental Engineering - Associate Professor (tenure track)
Person: Teaching and research staff
Hassan Asgharzadehbastehdimi
- Physics - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Engineering and Natural Sciences
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Asgher Asgher
- Physics - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Engineering and Natural Sciences
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Per Ashorn
- Children's and Women's health, Diagnostic Medicine, Psychiatry - Resource Agreement, Professor
- LAST, Paediatrics
Person: Teaching and Research Staff, Teaching and research staff