- 350 - 400 out of 5,225 results
Search results
Argyro Bizaki-Vallaskangas
- Neurological and Sensory diseases, Oncology, Surgical sciences - Clinical instructor
Person: Teaching and research staff
Tomas Björkqvist
- Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Teaching and research staff
Hanna Björkstedt
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff
Daniel Blackie
- History, Philosophy and Literary Studies - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Teaching and research staff
Toni Blåfield
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff
Robert Boddice
- History, Philosophy and Literary Studies - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Teaching and research staff
Stina Boedeker
Artem Boichuk
- Doctoral Programme in Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Materials Science and Environmental Engineering - Researcher
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff
Tytti Böök
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Chaitawat Boonjubun
- Unit of Social Research - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Teaching and research staff
Laura Bordi
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Maisa Borg
- Politics - Doctoral Student
- Doctoral Programme in Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Yasmine Bounouara Parizet
- Industrial Engineering and Management - Researcher
Person: Teaching and research staff
Heidi Bouquin
- Internal and Respiratory medicine & Critical care, Skin & Allergy - Resource Agreement
- Doctoral Programme in Medicine, Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Outi Brander
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Andrea Braun Strelcova
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Robert Bregovic
- Computing Sciences - Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Person: Teaching and research staff
Jana Brehovská
- Faculty of Education and Culture - University Instructor
Person: Teaching and research staff
Rainer Breite
- Information and Knowledge Management - University Lecturer
Person: Teaching and research staff
Klaus Breitholtz
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Silke Brodbeck
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Mika Broms
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Mindaugas Budzys
- Doctoral Programme in Computing and Electrical Engineering
- Computing Sciences - Doctoral Student
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff
Syed Bukhari
- Electrical Engineering - Tutkijatohtori (Marie Curie)
Person: Teaching and research staff
Sara Buonocore
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff