Activities per year
- 22 results
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International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (Journal)
Siukola, A. (Reviewer)
2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Yliopistopedagogiikan perusopinnot
Siukola, A. (Other)
2018Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
50 vuotta täyttäneiden työssä koettu muutos ja sen yhteys työhön liittyviin asenteisiin, arvoihin ja motivaatioon
Siukola, A. (Speaker)
3 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Yrittäjien näkemykset työhyvinvoinnista metsätoimialan rakennemuutoksessa
Siukola, A. (Speaker), Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker) & Pursio, H. (Speaker)
3 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Työkyvyn ja -motivaation vaihtelu 50 vuotta täyttäneillä työntekijöillä
Siukola, A. (Speaker), Lumme-Sandt, K. (Speaker), Luomanen, J. (Speaker), Nikander, P. (Speaker) & Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker)
8 Jun 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Työssä jatkamisen syyt hallinnollista ja operatiivista työtä tekevillä
Siukola, A. (Speaker), Lumme-Sandt, K. (Speaker), Luomanen, J. (Speaker), Nikander, P. (Speaker) & Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker)
23 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus, Väitöskirja: Persistent Symptoms in Treated Coeliac Disease
Siukola, A. (Examiner)
2017 → 2018Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of master student
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health (Journal)
Siukola, A. (Reviewer)
2017Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus, Pro gradu -tutkielma: Lähiesimiestyön yhteys työntekijöiden työkykyyn : esimiestuki, palautteenanto ja osaamisen kehittäminen esimiestyön osa-alueina
Siukola, A. (Examiner)
2017 → 2018Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of master student
Int Arch Occup Environ Health. (Journal)
Siukola, A. (Reviewer)
2017 → 2018Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Siukola, A. (Examiner)
2017 → …Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of master student
BMC Public Health (Journal)
Siukola, A. (Reviewer)
2013 → 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Absenteesim following a work place intervention for older industry workers
Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker), Huhtala, H. (Speaker), Siukola, A. (Speaker) & Virtanen, P. (Speaker)
13 Feb 2012Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Absenteesim following a work place intervention for older food industry workers
Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker), Huhtala, H. (Speaker), Siukola, A. (Speaker) & Virtanen, P. (Speaker)
12 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Elintarviketehtaan ikääntyville työntekijöille (55+) kohdennetun senioriohjelman ja sairauspoissaolojen yhteys
Siukola, A. (Speaker), Virtanen, P. (Speaker), Huhtala, H. (Speaker) & Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker)
4 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Sairauspoissaolotutkimusta elintarviketeollisuudessa
Siukola, A. (Speaker)
29 Sept 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Perceived physical working conditions and sickness absence - A four year follow-up in the food industry
Siukola, A. (Speaker), Neupane, S. (Speaker), Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker) & Virtanen, P. (Speaker)
20 Sept 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Effects of a 55+ intervention program on sickness absence in the food industry
Siukola, A. (Speaker), Huhtala, H. (Speaker), Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker) & Virtanen, P. (Speaker)
8 Jun 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Four-year follow-up study of ergonomics and perceived physical and mental strain among food industry workers
Neupane, S. (Speaker), Siukola, A. (Speaker), Luukkala, T. (Speaker), Virtanen, P. (Speaker) & Nygård, C.-H. (Speaker)
6 Jun 2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Perceived work well-being and certified sickness absence among employees of different ages in a food factory
Siukola, A. (Speaker)
11 Jun 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Workers' sickness absences in four food industry factories
Siukola, A. (Contributor)
11 Jun 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Work environment and sickness adsences among women in food industry
Siukola, A. (Speaker)
11 Jun 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation