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Speaking voice of the Finnish TV-news readers before and after social media.
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
7 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Experimental modelling of the influence of vocal folds compliance on human vocal tract acoustic properties
Radolf, V. (Speaker), Horáček, J. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
22 Jul 2024 → 26 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE) produced loudly. A glottal imaging study.
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Radolf, V. (Speaker), Bula, V. (Speaker), Horacek, J. (Speaker) & Geneid, A. (Speaker)
17 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
An analysis of AVQI and auditory-perceptual assessment of voice in speakers with Parkinson's disease
Convey, R. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker) & Penttilä, N. (Speaker)
4 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Eri ääniammattien haasteista
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
14 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
What the facial resonance vibrations tell us? A single-case study of potential vocal economy markers
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Radolf, V. (Speaker) & Horacek, J. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
News anchors’ fundamental frequency from the 1990’s to 2020’s in Finland. A pilot study.
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Aerodynamic and Electroglottographic Measurements of CVT Vocal Modes determined by Degrees of Metal and Density: A Preliminary Double-Case Study
Leppävuori, M. (Speaker), Ikävalko, T. (Speaker), Aaen, M. (Speaker), Sadolin, C. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The upper vocal tract contribution to the auditory perception of twang.
Saldias, M. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) in Finnish speaking population
Kankare, E. (Speaker), Rantala, L. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The AVQI reference values in vocally healthy Finnish speaking population
Kankare, E. (Speaker), Rantala, L. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Do acoustic characteristics of voice and speech indicate events of learning process?
Järvinen, K. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Kähkönen, A.-L. (Speaker) & Mäntylä, T. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Contribution of Twang on Vocal Economy in Contemporary Commercial Music Singers – Pilot study
Saldias O'hrens, M. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Espinoza, V. (Speaker) & Castro, C. (Speaker)
22 Aug 2022 → 27 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Effects of various respiratory activities on human aerosol emissions
Saari, S. (Speaker), Tuhkuri Matvejeff, A. (Speaker), Rönkkö, T. (Speaker), Hakala, J. (Speaker), Taipale, A. (Speaker), Kuittinen, N. (Speaker), Silvonen, V. (Speaker), Heikkilä, P. (Speaker), Oksanen, L.-M. (Speaker), Sanmark, E. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Alku, P. (Speaker) & Geneid, A. (Speaker)
13 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Damping of human vocal fold vibration
Radolf, V. (Speaker), Horacek, J. (Speaker), Bula, V. (Speaker), Geneid, A. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
10 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
How much loading does cough pose on the vocal folds? Preliminary high speed image analysis comparing coughing and phonation.
Horacek, J. (Speaker), Bula, V. (Contributor), Geneid, A. (Contributor), Radolf, V. (Contributor) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
15 Dec 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Physical principle of using tubes for voice therapy methods demonstrated by experimental model of phonation
Horácek, J. (Speaker), Radolf, V. (Speaker), Bula, V. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
4 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
CT based FE modeling of the acoustic effects of nasality for vowels [a:] and [i:] in female voice
Vampola, T. (Speaker), Horáček, J. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
4 Dec 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Shaker: Preliminary observations of a potential device for voice training and therapy
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
19 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Experimental modelling of glottal area declination rate in vowel and resonance tube phonation
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
19 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Acoustic correlates of 'head resonance' in classical singers
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor), Aura, M. (Contributor), Rantanen, M. (Contributor) & Björköy, K. (Contributor)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
A nasoendoscopic study of 'head resonance' and 'imposto' in classical singing
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI) in screening voice quality
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Change of the mean speaking pitch of Finnish female university students during the last two decades
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker) & Waaramaa, T. (Speaker)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Quasi-Output-Cost-Ratio (QOCR) in female Classical singing and 'Edge
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Comparison of Classical female singing and Edge vocal mode
Ikävalko, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Duration of biodynamic changes associated with a water resistance therapy
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Expression of emotions in classical and CCM singing. Acoustical study
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Characterizing vocal fold dynamics in singing vocal modes from Complete Vocal Technique using high-speed laryngeal imaging and electroglottographic analysis
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
30 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Creaky voice versus vocal symptoms
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
29 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Horacek, J. (Speaker), Jaromir, R. (Speaker), Vojtech, B. (Speaker), Viteszlav, S. (Speaker), Geneid, P. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
13 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Smoothed Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPPS), Voice Activity and Participation Profile (VAPP), and Vocal Health
Munier, C. (Speaker), Brockmann Bauser, M. (Speaker), Ilomaki, I. (Speaker), Kankare, E. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker) & Ahmed, G. (Speaker)
15 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Differences in vocal tract dimensions between female Classical singing, Kulning and Edge
Ikävalko, T. (Contributor), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor), McAllister, A. (Contributor), Eklund, R. (Contributor), Lammentausta, E. (Contributor), Leppavuori, M. (Contributor) & Pehrson, F. (Contributor)
14 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Modelling study of the physical background for voice therapy with tubes
Horacek, J. (Speaker), Vojtech, R. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
14 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Contribution of the Epilaryngeal Tube Narrowing and Vocal Tract Shape on Spectral Characteristics During Twangy Belting: a Computerized Tomography Study
Guzman, M. (Speaker), Saldias, M. (Speaker), Miranda, G. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
3 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Correlations between Smoothed Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPPS), and Voice Activity and Participation Profile (VAPP) in Finnish Primary and Kindergarten Teachers
Munier, C. (Speaker), Brockmann-Bauser, M. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Ilomäki, I. (Speaker), Kankare, E. (Speaker) & Ahmed, G. (Speaker)
2 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Personality perception from vocal expressions in crosscultural conditions
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker), Lukkarila, P. (Speaker), Järvinen, K. (Speaker), Geneid, A. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
23 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
How much loading does water resistance therapy pose on vocal folds?
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
20 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Technology-enhanced learning: Content and prosodic features of teacher-student interactions
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
2 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Effect of language and cultural background on personality impressions from voice quality. Preliminary findings
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
1 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Why classical singers use a special facial expression?
Aura, M. (Contributor), Ahmed, G. (Contributor), Björköy, K. (Contributor), Rantanen, M. (Contributor) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
31 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Effects of respiratory training and humidification of the vocal tract with Wello2 device on normal voiced female subjects. Preliminary findings
Rantala, L. (Contributor) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
31 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
A computerized tomography study of vocal tract setting in hyperfunctional dysphonia and in belting
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
31 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Emotion recognition from singing voice in contemporary commercial and classical styles
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker) & Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
30 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Acoustic and perceptual changes in actor students' voices after 16 months of training
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker) & Syrjä, T. (Speaker)
30 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Impact stress in water resistance voice therapy. A physical modelling study
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
30 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
What's so special about kulning - the singing technique in traditional Swedish cattle calls?
McAllister, A. (Speaker), Eklund, R. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Geneid, A. (Speaker), Lammentausta, E. (Speaker), Leppävuori, M. (Speaker), Pehrson, F. (Speaker) & Daikkilä, K. (Speaker)
21 Aug 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Effect of a soft tissue on vocal tract acoustic resonance properties in vocal exercises using phonation into tubes
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker)
1 Nov 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Puheen prosodia opettajan ja oppilaan välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa
Waaramaa, T. (Speaker), Hämäläinen, R. (Speaker), Laukkanen, A.-M. (Speaker), Lämsä, J. (Speaker), De Wever, B. (Speaker), Lehesvuori, S. (Speaker), Ilomäki, I. (Speaker), Jokiranta, K. (Speaker) & Viiri, J. (Speaker)
8 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Kulning (Swedish Cattle Calls): Acoustic, EGG, Stroboscopic and High-Speed Video Analyses of an Unusual Singing Style
Laukkanen, A.-M. (Contributor)
9 Sept 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation