6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Joseph Macey with the persons below:
Daniel Fernandez Galeote
- Computing Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Teaching and research staff
Jani Kinnunen
- Communication Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
- General Doctoral Programme in the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Student
Mattia Thibault
- Language Studies - Associate Professor (tenure track)
Person: Teaching and research staff
Anna-Leena Macey
- Computing Sciences - Resource Agreement
- Doctoral Programme in Interactive Technology
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Student
Henri Pirkkalainen
- Information and Knowledge Management - Professor
Person: Teaching and research staff
Terho Ojell-Järventausta
- Computing Sciences - Resource Agreement
- Doctoral Programme in Interactive Technology
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Student