Activities per year
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Muema Wambua “The Re-entry Phenomenon in International Interventions: the Case of Kenya, 2008-2017”
Lehti, M. (Examiner)
17 Apr 2020Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
David Peter Edwards “ Ever Decreasing Circles: Perceptions and Projections of Estonia’s Regionality within North Eastern Europe”
Lehti, M. (Examiner)
9 Jan 2020Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Valtioneuvosto (External organisation)
Lehti, M. (Position of trust)
1 Sept 2019 → 1 Sept 2023Activity: Membership › Position of trust in public sector
Member of National Coordination Group for Peace Mediation, coordinated by Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Lehti, M. (Consultant)
1 Jan 2019 → 1 May 2020Activity: Consultancy
Cross-regional corridors of dialogue
Marko Lehti (Leader)
2018 → 2019Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Fading Allure of Liberal Peace? Crises of the Liberal West and the Anti-Liberal Challenge for the Global Order
Marko Lehti (Speaker)
15 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Dialogic Memories and Narrative Agency in Conflict Transformation
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
20 May 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
History and Narratives in conflict
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
6 Apr 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
An expedited tenure review fro Chair in Estonian Studies (Full Professor) in the Department of History and the Munk School for Global Affairs at the University of Toront
Marko Lehti (Contributor)
31 Jan 2017Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of professorship
Toimiminen vastaväittäjänä
Marko Lehti (Pre-examiner or opponent of dissertation)
19 Jan 2017Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Toimiminen vastaväittäjänä
Marko Lehti (Pre-examiner or opponent of dissertation)
19 Jan 2017Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Opetussuunnitelmatyö yliopistoissa
Marko Lehti (Other)
2017Activity: Other › Academic qualification (e.g. title of docent)
Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus, Väitöskirja: Domestic Space of Politics in State-Building States EU´s state-building frame and its implications for the political culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Marko Lehti (Examiner)
2017 → 2018Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of doctoral candidate
Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus, Väitöskirja: Voluntary Military Service, Discretionary or Obligatory War, and Burden Share of War across Society: A Spatial Measurement and Assessment Approach Using War Casualty Evidence
Marko Lehti (Examiner)
2017 → …Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of doctoral candidate
The End of Liberal Internationalism and the Revival of the Anti-Liberal West: a new struggle within the West and its implications to the rest
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
9 Dec 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
The End of Liberal Internationalism and the Revival of the Anti-Liberal West: a new struggle within the West and its implications to the rest
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
9 Dec 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
From Antagonism to Agonistic Peace: Rethinking Identities and Dialogic Transformation
M Lehti (Speaker)
18 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
The role of conflict prevention and conflict transformation in development policies
M Lehti (Keynote speaker)
11 Mar 2016Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Rauhanvälityksestä dialogiprosessiin: uusi rauhandiplomatia epävirallisen ja virallisen välissä (From peace mediation to dialogueprocesses: new peace diplomacy in between official and unofficial)
Marko Lehti (Leader)
2016 → 2017Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Rauhanvälityksestä dalogiprosessiin: uusi rauhandiplomatia virallisen ja epävirallisen välissä
Marko Lehti (Position of trust)
2016 → 2017Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Rethinking Identities and Dialogue in Conflict Transformation
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
26 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Uppsalan yliopisto
Marko Lehti (Visitor)
2 Nov 2015 → 27 Nov 2015Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visit abroad
Living on the Civilizational Border: National Self-esteem and Ontological Security - Baltic experiences
M Lehti (Keynote speaker)
3 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Living on the Civilizational Border: National Self-esteem and Ontological Security - Baltic experiences
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
2 Oct 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Rethinking Conflict Transformation and the role of the Third Party
Marko Lehti (Speaker)
3 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Rethinking identities and dialogue in conflict transformation
Marko Lehti (Speaker)
3 Sept 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Rethinking Conflict Transformation and the Role of the Third Party
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
9 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Rethinking Conflict Transformation and the Role of the Third Party
M Lehti (Keynote speaker)
9 Jun 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Väitöskirjan esitarkastus
Marko Lehti (Pre-examiner or opponent of dissertation)
1 Jun 2015Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Pre-examination of dissertation or acting as opponent to doctoral students
Lausunto Baltic Sea Region Studies maisteriohjeman johtajan toimen täyttöön ja toimemtäyttö toimiikunnan puheenjohtajuus
Marko Lehti (Contributor)
18 May 2015Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Statement of assessment of other positions
Concept of "peace" in Nordic peace research
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
8 May 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Mediating Histories: Towards Dialogic Transformation of Protracted Conflicts
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
20 Jan 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Multicultural Legacies, Sustainable Peace and Transnational Futures: Envisioning Communality beyond the Nation-State
M Lehti (Speaker)
8 Jan 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Cooperation and Conflict (Journal)
Marko Lehti (Reviewer)
2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal
Lausunto Rauhan ratkaisun mahdollisuudet Ukrainassa
Marko Lehti (Consultant)
26 Aug 2014 → …Activity: Consultancy
History Conflicts and Conflicting Histories: Looking for Dialogic Peace Process
MArko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
18 Aug 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Nordics as Peacemakers: Cooperation or Competition?
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
6 May 2014Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Politiikan tutkimuksenpäivät
Marko Lehti (Organiser)
6 Mar 2014 → 7 Mar 2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organization of a workshop, panel, session or tutorial
Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus, Väitöskirja: Domestic Space of Politics in State-Building States EU´s state-building frame and its implications for the political culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Marko Lehti (Examiner)
2014 → 2016Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of doctoral candidate
the Estonian Science Foundation (External organisation)
Marko Lehti (Position of trust)
2014Activity: Membership › Position of trust in a funding organization
Rappion viehätys. Miksi lännen pitää taantua pelastuakseen
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
21 Nov 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Approaches to Peace Mediation: Is There Space for a Nordic Approach
Marko Lehti (Organiser)
14 Aug 2013 → 15 Aug 2013Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Membership of an organizing committee of a conference or seminar
Transnational History, Sustainable Peace and Regional Approaches: Comparing The Baltic Sea Area and The Balkans
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
25 May 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Transnational History, Sustainable Peace and Regional Approaches: Comparing The Baltic Sea Area and The Balkans
Marko Lehti (Keynote speaker)
24 May 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited lecture
Myth of Victimhood and Cult of Authenticity
Marko Lehti (Speaker)
18 Mar 2013Activity: Talk or presentation › Conference presentation
Ulkoasiainministeriö (External organisation)
Marko Lehti (Member)
1 Jan 2013 → 31 Jul 2014Activity: Membership › Regular membership of a society or network
Opinnäytetöiden ohjaus, Väitöskirja: Voluntary Military Service, Discretionary or Obligatory War, and Burden Share of War across Society: A Spatial Measurement and Assessment Approach Using War Casualty Evidence
Marko Lehti (Examiner)
2013 → 2016Activity: Evaluation, examination and supervision › Supervisor of doctoral candidate
Peace Mediation in Nordic Countries. A Comparative Study
Marko Lehti (Position of trust)
2013 → 2014Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Eurasia Studies (Journal)
Marko Lehti (Reviewer)
2013Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Reviewer of Scientific Journal