6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Noora Nenonen with the persons below:
Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto
- Industrial Engineering and Management - Professor
Person: Teaching and research staff
Susanna Mattila
- Industrial Engineering and Management - Doctoral Student
- General Doctoral Programme in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Person: Teaching and research staff, Doctoral Researcher
Maria Lindholm
- Industrial Engineering and Management - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Teaching and research staff
Minna Rantala
- Doctoral Programme in Business and Technology Management
- Industrial Engineering and Management - Doctoral Student
Person: Doctoral Researcher, Teaching and research staff
Johanna Pulkkinen
- Industrial Engineering and Management - University Instructor
Person: Teaching and research staff
Jari Paranko
- Industrial Engineering and Management - Resource Agreement
Person: Teaching and Research Staff