Activities per year
- 8 results
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Governance of innovations in productivity improvement of publicly-funded services
Pekka Valkama (Leader)
2011 → 2015Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
New service economy perspectives for publicly-funded and -provided services
Pekka Valkama (Position of trust)
2011 → 2013Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Governance of communities and villages
Pekka Valkama (Position of trust)
2011 → 2013Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Palveluinnovaatioiden malli ja kehittäminen
Pekka Valkama (Position of trust)
2011 → …Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Innovaatioperusteinen palvelutalouden muuntuminen
Pekka Valkama (Leader)
2008 → 2010Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Näennäismarkkinoiden sopimustoiminnan hyvä paikallinen hallintatapa
Pekka Valkama (Leader)
2008 → 2010Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Julkisia ja yksityisiä palveluja integroivat markkinainnovaatiot
Pekka Valkama (Leader)
2007 → 2009Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project
Kuntapalvelujen kilpailuttamisen taloudelliset vaikutukset
Pekka Valkama (Leader)
2006 → 2008Activity: Other › Leadership of a scientific program or project