title = "Функция воспоминаний в Истории и истории (роман Евгения Водолазкина {"}Соловьев и Ларионов{"})",
abstract = "The article explores the functioning of reminiscences in Eugene Vodolazkin{\textquoteright}s novel Soloviev and Larionov. In this novel reminiscences and memories are an important part of the protagonist{\textquoteright}s personal story, and at the same time they form the data for historical research of the protagonist. The article demonstrates that the theme of reminiscences and memories in the novel is connected with the issues of the limits of historical knowledge as well as with the structure of personal identity. The analysis of the functioning of remi-niscences is used as a tool for interpreting such central themes in Vodolazkin{\textquoteright}s works as memory, oblivion, time, death and immortality",
author = "Irina Savkina",
year = "2019",
language = "Ven{\"a}j{\"a}",
isbn = "978-83-233-4762-0",
series = "Wybitni Pisarze Wsp{\'o}{\l}czesnej Literatury Rosyjskiej",
publisher = "Jagiellonian University Press",
pages = "169--180",
editor = "{Skotnicka }, Anna and Janusz {\'S}wie{\.z}y",
booktitle = "Знаĸовые имена современной руссĸой литературы ЕВГЕНИЙ ВОДОЛАЗKИН",
address = "Puola",