Advancing residents’ use of shared spaces in Nordic superblocks with intelligent technologies

Jouko Makkonen, Rita Latikka, Laura Kaukonen, Markus Laine, Kaisa Väänänen

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To support the sustainability of future cities, residents’ living spaces need to be built and used efficiently, while supporting residents’ communal wellbeing. Nordic superblock is a new planning, housing, and living concept in which residents of a neighborhood—a combination of city blocks—share yards, common spaces and utilities. Sharing living spaces is an essential element of this approach. In this study, our goal was to study the ways in which intelligent technology solutions—such as proactive, data-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications—could support and even motivate the use of common areas in superblocks. To this end, we conducted a two-phase qualitative study: in the first phase, potential superblock residents (N = 12) shared their perspectives of sharing of living spaces in general, and more specifically of how intelligent technologies could support sharing spaces. In the second phase, two workshops with experts (N = 7) were held to gather understanding of possibilities of intelligent technologies in meeting the residents’ expectations of space sharing. The results illustrate space sharing and communality as supportive factors for one another, enabled but also complicated by social interaction. Major possibilities for intelligent technologies to advance space sharing were seen in organizing the use of spaces and facilitating social interaction in the community. As an outcome, four roles incorporating several use purposes of intelligent technologies were found. The findings can inform the Human-Centered AI (HCAI) research and design improving sustainable living in future urban neighborhoods.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11676-1184
JournalAI & Society
Issue number3
Early online date2 Dec 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Nordic superblock
  • Shared living spaces
  • human-centered artificial intelligence (HCAI)
  • Intelligent technologies
  • Neighborhood
  • smart cities
  • residents

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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