Analysis of early childhood intestinal microbial dynamics in a continuous-flow bioreactor

DIABIMMUNE Study Group, Alessandra Granato, Simone Renwick, Christopher Yau, Tiffany Kong, Michelle C. Daigneault, Mikael Knip, Emma Allen-Vercoe, Jayne S. Danska

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Background: The human gut microbiota is inoculated at birth and undergoes a process of assembly and diversification during the first few years of life. Studies in mice and humans have revealed associations between the early-life gut microbiome and future susceptibility to immune and metabolic diseases. To resolve microbe and host contributing factors to early-life development and to disease states requires experimental platforms that support reproducible, longitudinal, and high-content analyses. Results: Here, we deployed a continuous single-stage chemostat culture model of the human distal gut to study gut microbiota from 18- to 24-month-old children integrating both culture-dependent and -independent methods. Chemostat cultures recapitulated multiple aspects of the fecal microbial ecosystem enabling investigation of relationships between bacterial strains and metabolic function, as well as a resource from which we isolated and curated a diverse library of early life bacterial strains. Conclusions: We report the reproducible, longitudinal dynamics of early-life bacterial communities cultured in an advanced model of the human gut providing an experimental approach and a characterized bacterial resource to support future investigations of the human gut microbiota in early childhood.

Original languageEnglish
Article number255
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Anexic isolation
  • Bacterial metabolites
  • Chemostat continuous culture
  • Defined bacterial consortia
  • Early childhood microbiome

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 3

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Microbiology
  • Microbiology (medical)


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