Architectural Smells Detected by Tools: A Catalogue Proposal

Umberto Azadi, Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Davide Taibi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionScientificpeer-review

63 Citations (Scopus)
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Architectural smells can negatively impact on different software qualities and can represent a relevant source of architectural debt. Several architectural smells have been defined by different researchers. Moreover, both academia and industry proposed several tools for software quality analysis, but it is not always clear to understand which tools provide also support for architectural smells detection and if the tools developed for this specific purpose are effectively available or not. In this paper we propose a catalogue of architectural smells for which, at least one tool able to detect the smell exists. We outline the main differences in the detection techniques exploited by the tools and we propose a classification of these architectural smells according to the violation of three design principles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt)
Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ, USA
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-7281-3371-3
ISBN (Print)978-1-7281-3372-0
Publication statusPublished - 8 May 2019
Publication typeA4 Article in conference proceedings
EventIEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt -
Duration: 1 Jan 2000 → …


ConferenceIEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt
Abbreviated titleTechDebt
Period1/01/00 → …


  • architectural debt
  • architectural smells
  • architectural smells catalogue
  • architectural smells detection

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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