Arrangement for presenting and updating information

Jukka Enarvi (Inventor), Janne Liimatainen (Inventor), Juhani Virtanen (Inventor), Kari Kyyny (Inventor), Kimmo Ollikainen (Inventor), Tapani Hyvönen (Inventor), Matti Alava (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The aim of this invention is an arrangement for displaying and updating information with the use of controllable display units (3-3d), which display units contain at least one display laminate (35, 35a, 35b) equipped with an essentially thin display which can be updated. The display laminate (35, 35a, 35b) is arranged for positioning in an essentially transparent pocket-like space (9, 9a, 9c, 19, 21), which space also has the ability to contain, in addition to the display laminate, a sheet of paper or a similar sheet or label (17, 22, 36) containing additional information in text or image form.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberGB2438126
    IPCG06Q 30/ 00 A I
    Priority date6/02/06
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2007
    Publication typeH1 Granted patent


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