Association between nasal airway minimal cross-sectional areas and obstructive sleep apnoea

Jessi Makkonen, Olli Tertti, Markus Rautiainen, Saara Markkanen, Olli Valtonen, Jaakko Ormiskangas, Ilkka Kivekäs, Timo Peltomäki

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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) frequently present with some form of upper airway anatomical impairment. Considerable research has been conducted on the role of the structures of the jaw and pharynx in the pathogenesis of OSA; however, the significance of the nose is somewhat unclear. Computed tomography is a widely used imaging modality for assessing the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, but only a small amount of the acquired data is used. Our aim was to ascertain whether the size of the cross-sectional areas of the nasal airway, measured from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, is associated with OSA severity.

MATERIALS/METHODS: A total of 58 patients with OSA, without any major paranasal sinus inflammatory pathology, were included in this register-based study. Patients had previously undergone ambulatory polysomnography and CBCT. The cross-sectional areas of the nasal cavity were measured in CBCT coronal sections. Statistical analyses were performed to determine any correlation between the cross-sectional area measurements and apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) or any significant difference in cross-sectional areas between AHI severity groups.

RESULTS: No correlation was found between AHI and the smallest, total, or sum of the anterior cross-sectional areas of the nasal airway. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference in the cross-sectional areas between patients with the highest and lowest AHI.

CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS: The small cross-sectional area of the anterior nasal cavity in patients without any major nasal pathology does not appear to be associated with OSA severity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)788-794
Number of pages7
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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