Bodily Knowledge: Revised Epistemological Reflections on Kinaesthesia, Movement, and Dance

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientific


This chapter is concerned with the conceptualisation of bodily knowledge and its epistemological relevancy, and it uses examples from movement and dance practices. It addresses the role of tactile-kinaesthetic sense in epistemological rethinking to show how kinaesthesia and bodily movements can be mindful without being merely conceptual and verbal. Instead of seeing bodily knowledge as inherently connected to the acquisition of motor skills, I discuss movement and dance practices as reflective, embodied processes that have the potential to turn sensuous information about the moving body into bodily knowledge. In this phenomenological approach to bodily knowledge, it is important to underline that bodily knowledge is not understood as an automatic function, mere intuition, kinaesthetic intelligence, or self-knowledge, but as a relational process and collective effort that requires critical testing so that individual perceptions can become general principles in dance practices.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBeauty and Life
Subtitle of host publicationExploring the anthropology behind the fine arts
EditorsRafael Jiménez Cataño
Place of PublicationItaly
PublisherEdizioni Santa Croce (ESC)
Number of pages27
ISBN (Print)978-88-8333-997-4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2021
Publication typeB2 Book chapter


  • embodiment
  • knowledge
  • kinaesthesia
  • phenomenology
  • epistemology


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