The invention relates to compostable polymer coated paper or paperboard (1), a method for making the same and products obtained therefrom. According to the invention, a compostable biodegradable coating (3) of paper or paperboard (1) includes an outer layer (6) containing polylactide the weight of which is at the most about 20 g/m, and of an adhesive layer (7) that binds the outer layer to the paper or paperboard (1) and is of biodegradable polymer material that is coextruded with the polylactide. Suitable materials for the adhesive layer (7) are biodegradable polyesters. The production is by coextrusion of the polylactide layer (6) and the adhesive layer (7) on either one side of the paper or paperboard or on both sides thereof. Products obtained include in particular packages for food stuffs and disposable dishes such as containers for frozen foods, disposable drinking cups, heat-sealed carton packages and packaging wraps.
Original language | English |
Patent number | US6645584 |
IPC | D21H 27/ 10 A N |
Priority date | 6/07/99 |
Publication status | Published - 11 Nov 2003 |
Publication type | H1 Granted patent |