Design Research Studies of Digital Solutions for Supporting Well-Being at the Changing Workplace

Päivi Heikkilä

Research output: Book/ReportDoctoral thesisCollection of Articles


Working life is constantly changing, which requires adaptation from workers. In several fields and occupations, from entrepreneurs to factory workers, the nature of work is changing, for example due to increased digitalization and automation. Workers need self-reflection and self-leadership skills to manage with the new requirements and uncertainties related to the changes. In addition, paying attention to one’s well-being, along with work results, becomes increasingly important.

Different approaches can be utilized to support well-being at the changing workplace. This compound thesis approaches this with two design research studies. In the entrepreneurial context, well-being is approached from the perspective of the positive side of stress (eustress). The entrepreneurs’ experiences of positive stress are studied with multiple qualitative methods, and based on the results, a web service for fostering positive stress is designed and implemented. In the factory floor context, well-being is approached from the perspective of providing quantified feedback for workers. Based on a background study, a smart phone optimized web application is designed and implemented to enable workers to receive personal and encouraging feedback related to their personal well-being and productivity. The user experience, acceptance and perceived benefits of both digital services are studied through a long-term field study. The research results in five design recommendations for designing digital solutions that support well-being at the changing workplace. The recommendations encourage designers to design digital solutions that provide encouragement and recognition, enable self-reflection, support focusing on the essential, integrate to daily practices, and inspire and inform through peer experiences.

This research contributes primarily to the field of human-computer interaction by widening the prevalent approaches of design for well-being and providing pragmatic design guidance through empirical understanding of two different user groups that are at the forefront in facing the demands of the changing working life. The research gives new knowledge of means to foster positive stress in daily life and the potential of applying the approach of Quantified Self to the modern factory floor. Furthermore, the research raises the importance of ethical questions that need to be considered when designing new solutions or adopting them at workplaces.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTampere
PublisherTampere University
ISBN (Electronic)978-952-03-1751-5
ISBN (Print)978-952-03-1750-8
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Publication typeG5 Doctoral dissertation (articles)

Publication series

NameTampere University Dissertations - Tampereen yliopiston väitöskirjat
ISSN (Print)2489-9860
ISSN (Electronic)2490-0028


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