Designing for experiences with socially interactive robots

Mohammad Obaid, Kirsikka Kaipainen, Ioana Ocnarescu, Aino Ahtinen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionScientificpeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)
    45 Downloads (Pure)


    Socially interactive technologies are emerging as one of the predominant technologies of the future. In this workshop, we aim to discuss the emerging field of Social Robotic technologies with a particular focus on interaction design methodologies used in the design process. The workshop will investigate how researchers have approached designing social robots and what we can learn from the interaction design field for future designs. The main activities of the workshop will encompass two interactive sessions and a discussion panel on approaches to inspire the design of socially interactive robots. In particular, we focus on experience-driven design methods involving rituals and memorable experiences with social robots.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationNordiCHI 2018
    Subtitle of host publicationRevisiting the Life Cycle - Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Electronic)9781450364379
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2018
    Publication typeA4 Article in conference proceedings
    EventNordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - Oslo, Norway
    Duration: 29 Sept 20183 Oct 2018


    ConferenceNordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction


    • Design
    • Social
    • Social Robot
    • Technology
    • User Experience

    Publication forum classification

    • Publication forum level 1

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Human-Computer Interaction
    • Computer Networks and Communications
    • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    • Software


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