title = "Dialogic leadership and Participatory Development: Key Factors of Quality of working life and Performance",
keywords = "Dialogic leadership, Dialognen johtaminen, osallistava toimintatutkimus, participatory action research, performance, quality of working life., tuloksellisuus, ty{\"o}el{\"a}m{\"a}n laatu, Dialogic leadership, Dialognen johtaminen, osallistava toimintatutkimus, participatory action research, performance, quality of working life., tuloksellisuus, ty{\"o}el{\"a}m{\"a}n laatu",
author = "Sirpa Syv{\"a}nen",
year = "2014",
doi = "10.4122/dtu:2327",
language = "English",
pages = "397--402",
editor = "O Broberg and N Fallentin and P Hasle and P.L Jensen and A Kabel and M.E Larsen and T Weller",
booktitle = "Conference proceedings: 11 th International Symposium on Human Factors in organizational Design and Management (ODAM 2014) and 46th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society",
note = "Annual conference of the nordic ergonomics society ; Conference date: 01-01-2014",