Different Characteristics of Finnish Car Fleet and its Development

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionProfessional


Traffic is a significant source of greenhouse gas in Finland and over half of the sector’s pollution is produced by passenger car traffic. National agencies and the EU have clear goals to reduce the emissions, but the actions need to be significant. A great part of these emissions can be reduced by changing how people move, but the emissions and energy consumption of the car itself has an effect as well.

On different countries and areas, it is different how and when personal cars are used. These characteristics need to be studied to know what kind of greenhouse gas reduction measures are effective and what kind of impacts they will have on mobility of people.

As state-of-the-art, this paper will present the results of previous studies on what kind of different characteristics are found globally in personal car use. These results are then refined into a series of hypothesis of different main assumptions on how the cars are used.

To provide results of Finnish characteristics, this paper uses Finnish car fleet data from August 2018 collected by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The data contains specific information of every passenger car in use in Finland with their mileage and the key information (for example area and age) of the main user of the car. The hypotheses will be validated through this data to find out whether Finland shares the common characteristics found in state-of-the-art or whether there are some unique use cases to be considered. During the validation of hypotheses, also new characteristics are drawn out based purely on the Finnish data.

In the end, based on the results it will be defined what characteristics needs to be considered to find the measures for emission reduction targets through car fleet development in Finland. Then it is defined how these measures would affect the mobility of users and whether they only apply to some user segments compared to their greenhouse gas reduction effects.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationETC Conference Papers 2019
PublisherAET Association for European Transport
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Publication typeD3 Professional conference proceedings
EventEuropean Transport Conference - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 9 Oct 201911 Oct 2019


ConferenceEuropean Transport Conference


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