Finnish and Swedish prehospital emergency care providers’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention

M. Mäkinen, E. Haavisto, V. Lindström, K. Brolin, M. Castrén

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Despite the knowledge that transportation by emergency medical services may increase the risk of pressure ulcers (PU), there is still lack of knowledge about the possibility of prehospital emergency care providers to be a part of preventing and reducing the risk of PUs. Methods: A survey was carried out during 2017 in Finland and Sweden. Validated questionnaires were used. Results: A total of 179 (72.7%) Finnish and 188 (28.8%) Swedish prehospital emergency care providers participated in the study. The overall rate of correct answers and the mean total knowledge score was 58.8% (SD 21.8), 20/34, in the Finnish group and 70.5% (SD 15.7), 24/34, in the Swedish group (p < 0.000). The percent of the total and the mean attitude score was in the Finnish group 71.3% (SD 0.48), 37.1/52, and in the Swedish group 69.4% (SD 0.77), 36.1/52 (p < 0.813). Half of the Finnish and most of the Swedish participants felt they needed more education about PUs (Fin 50.2% & Swe: 76.0%). Conclusions: Prehospital emergency care providers don't see themselves as responsible for PU prevention. Therefore, there is a need for increasing the level of knowledge on PU prevention and classification among prehospital emergency care providers. They could play a key role in developing methods to improve PU prevention and identifying patients in risk of developing PUs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100873
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021
Externally publishedYes
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Ambulance
  • Attitudes
  • EMS
  • EMT
  • Knowledge
  • Nurse
  • Pressure ulcer
  • Prevention

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Emergency


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