Finnish-Russian Double Degree Programmes: When Partners' Responsibilities Become a Challenge for Internationalisation.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review

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Finnish and Russian universities have developed internationalisation activities including double degree programmes (double degrees), taking advantage of such benefits as their common border, membership of the Bologna Process and support from the governments of both countries. This chapter discusses how the division of responsibilities influences the implementation of master's double degrees in Finnish-Russian partnerships. The research concentrates on cases of the internal allocation of responsibilities in double degrees within each partner university, including the role of central/faculty and administrative/academic departments. In addition, it investigates how Finnish and Russian universities allocate responsibilities for double degrees between one another. In conclusion, the chapter demonstrates the role of transaction costs challenging double degree implementation and university internationalisation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResponsibility of Higher Education Systems: What? Why? How?
EditorsBruno Broucker, Victor Borden, Ton Kallenberg, Claire Milsom
Place of PublicationLeiden, The Netherlands
PublisherBrill | Sense
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)978-90-04-43655-8
ISBN (Print)978-90-04-43654-1 , 978-90-04-43653-4
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Publication typeA3 Book chapter

Publication series

NameHigher education: Linking Research, Policy and Practice
ISSN (Print)2666-7789


  • internationalisation
  • higher education
  • double degree
  • collaborative degrees
  • internationalisation of higher education
  • internationalisation of the curriculum
  • internal university stakeholders
  • university administrators
  • academics
  • internationalisation policy
  • policy evaluation
  • university management
  • degree programme management


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