Handgrip force and bite force in dentulous and edentulous individuals

Camila Luiz Jabr, Lucas Portela Oliveira, Lucas Arrais Campos, Juliana Alvares Duarte Bonini Campos, Amanda Laísa de Oliveira Lima, Francisco de Assis Mollo Júnior, João Neudenir Arioli Filho

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: The literature is unclear about bite force (BF) and handgrip force (HF) in a specific group of different ages and dentate conditions, or even a predictive model for each specific group, using BF and HF as factors.

OBJECTIVE: To establish the correlation between HF and BF in female participants with distinct ages and dentate conditions; also create a predictive model of BF as a function of HF.

METHODS: Participants were divided into three groups (GI: young natural dentate women, n = 65; GII: adult natural dentate women, n = 67; and GIII: edentulous women users of bimaxillary complete dentures, n = 67) and subjected to an HF measurement test using a digital dynamometer. Subsequently, BF was measured using a digital gnathodynamometer in the molar region. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) and multivariate analysis of variance (α = 0.05) were performed, and simple linear regression was used to obtain a model to predict BF from HF for each group separately (α = 0.05).

RESULTS: All groups presented moderate and strong correlations among the variables (GI: r = 0.838; GII: r = 0.714; GIII: r = 0.646). A significant difference in BF was observed (GI > GII > GIII; p < .05). GIII presented a significantly lower HF than the other groups (p < .05). Besides, three equations predicting BF, using HF, were obtained for use in young/adult dentate and edentulous women.

CONCLUSION: All groups found a positive and significant correlation between BF, HF and groups. HF can be a simple and efficient method for predicting BF using the predictive models developed for women with good health.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)664-670
Number of pages7
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 2


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