Heat-sealed sterilised product package, packaging material for the same and use of the packaging material

Tapani Penttinen (Inventor), Kimmo Nevalainen (Inventor), Erkki Laiho (Inventor), Markku Sainio (Inventor), Jurkka Kuusipalo (Inventor), Antti Savolainen (Inventor), Esa Koreasalo (Inventor), Isto Heiskanen (Inventor), Tommi Lehikoinen (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The invention relates to a polymer-coated heat-sealable packaging material, to a heat-sterilised package formed from this and to the use of the packaging material. The material comprises a fibre base 4, which is e.g. a packaging board made of bleached pulp, and polymer heat-seal layers 1, 9 located on both sides of this. In accordance with the invention, the package comprises, outside the fibre base, a polymer coating layer 2, which contains white pigment for covering the fibre base from sight, and a second coating layer 8, which contains light-absorbing pigment. A coating layer pigmented grey inside the fibre base, for instance, provides a light shield for the packaged product. The absorbent black pigment may also be located outside the fibre base underneath a white layer in order to stabilise the brightness of the material. The package may be e.g. a food package heat-sterilised in an autoclave, in which yellowing of the fibre-based material has been avoided by means of a white pigment.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS2009186135
    IPCB65D 81/ 30 A I
    Priority date15/01/09
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Jul 2009
    Publication typeH1 Granted patent


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