The invention relates to a polymer-coated heat-sealable packaging material, to a heat-sterilised package formed from this and to the use of the packaging material. The material comprises a fibre base 4, which is e.g. a packaging board made of bleached pulp, and polymer heat-seal layers 1, 9 located on both sides of this. In accordance with the invention, the package comprises, outside the fibre base, a polymer coating layer 2, which contains white pigment for covering the fibre base from sight, and a second coating layer 8, which contains light-absorbing pigment. A coating layer pigmented grey inside the fibre base, for instance, provides a light shield for the packaged product. The absorbent black pigment may also be located outside the fibre base underneath a white layer in order to stabilise the brightness of the material. The package may be e.g. a food package heat-sterilised in an autoclave, in which yellowing of the fibre-based material has been avoided by means of a white pigment.
Original language | English |
Patent number | US2009186135 |
IPC | B65D 81/ 30 A I |
Priority date | 15/01/09 |
Publication status | Published - 23 Jul 2009 |
Publication type | H1 Granted patent |