HipoTesis BlockBuster II

Francisco García Triviño (Other), José Manuel López Ujaque (Other), Katerina Psegiannaki (Other), Fernando Nieto Fernandez (Other)

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formExhibitionArt in coproductionpeer-review


Publication shortlisted for the Reading Room travelling exhibition of the New Generations Festival at the Royal Spanish Academy of Rome:

Despite the fact that CAD Blocks were (are) familiar and essential tools within the architectural representation/project, most of them were (are) merely inherited, anaesthetised drawing frozen in the time.

The properties enclosed within CAD blocks exceed those of a group of lines with a recognizable shape under a certain name. They are able to combine the complexity of scales in an architectural drawing.

They intensify the usability we supply an object with. They introduce the reader in the document. They conquer the political montage of the project. And of course, they represent us. They make part of our visible or invisible society.

This is why in ‘HipoTesis: Block|Buster II’ we have decided to represent those invisible people that are an inherent part of our daily lives, our walks through the city, our homes and neighborhoods. However, consciously or not, we have silenced them in our drawings and projects, replacing them with a ‘political conception’ extremely standard and normative.They determine the meaning of unnamed lines.

In this issue we bet to honour them and place them in a deserved place within the public and political sphere of our drawings. We have given them back the time, word and space from which we previously took them away unconsciously. We have thus offered the possibility of including them in future projects by their future users, manipulators of these new CAD Blocks.

Under the same philosophy than HipoTesis Alphabetical Issues, its participants do not only propose with their essays but also contribute by reading and commenting two graphical articles from other participants. An interface is created where each one’s piece has been commented by two others; each one has commented on another two and culminates with the combined reading of fifteen texts.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRome (Italy)
PublisherNew Generations Festival
EditionNew Urban Challenges
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2021
Publication typeF2 Public partial realisation of a work of art
EventNew Generations Festival - "New Urban Challenges": Reading Room - Royal Academy of Spain, Rome, Italy
Duration: 30 Jun 20213 Sept 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Architecture


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