Intelligent Resource Allocation in 5G Multi-Radio Heterogeneous Networks

Mikhail Gerasimenko

    Research output: Book/ReportDoctoral thesisCollection of Articles

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    The fast-moving evolution of wireless networks, which started less than three decades ago, has resulted in worldwide connectivity and influenced the development of a global market in all related areas. However, in recent years, the growing user traffic demands have led to the saturation of licensed and unlicensed frequency bands regarding capacity and load-over-time. On the physical layer the used spectrum efficiency is already close to Shannon’s limit; however the traffic demand continues to grow, forcing mobile network operators and equipment manufacturers to evaluate more effective strategies of the wireless medium access.

    One of these strategies, called cell densification, implies there are a growing number of serving entities, with the appropriate reduction of the per-cell coverage area. However, if implemented blindly, this approach will lead to a significant growth in the average interference level and overhead control signaling, which are both required to allow sufficient user mobility. Furthermore, the interference is also affected by the increasing variety of radio access technologies (RATs) and applications, often deployed without the necessary level of cooperation with technologies that are already in place.

    To overcome these problems today’s telecommunication standardization groups are trying to collaborate. That is why the recent agenda of the fifth generation wireless networks (5G) includes not only the development schedules for the particular technologies but also implies there should be an expansion of the appropriate interconnection techniques. In this thesis, we describe and evaluate the concept of heterogeneous networks (HetNets), which involve the cooperation between several RATs.

    In the introductory part, we discuss the set of the problems, related to HetNets, and review the HetNet development process. Moreover, we show the evolution of existing and potential segments of the multi-RAT 5G network, together with the most promising applications, which could be used in future HetNets.

    Further, in the thesis, we describe the set of key representative scenarios, including three-tier WiFi-LTE multi-RAT deployment, MTC-enabled LTE, and the mmWave-based network. For each of these scenarios, we define a set of unsolved issues and appropriate solutions. For the WiFi-LTE multi-RAT scenario, we develop the framework, enabling intelligent and flexible resource allocation between the involved RATs. For MTC-enabled LTE, we study the effect of massive MTC deployments on the performance of LTE random access procedure and propose some basic methods to improve its efficiency. Finally, for the mmWave scenario, we study the effects of connectivity strategies, human body blockage and antenna array configuration on the overall network performance. Next, we develop a set of validated analytical and simulation-based techniques which allow us to evaluate the performance of proposed solutions. At the end of the introductory part a set of HetNet-related demo activities is demonstrated.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTampere University of Technology
    Number of pages56
    ISBN (Electronic)978-952-15-4135-3
    ISBN (Print)978-952-15-4130-8
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2018
    Publication typeG5 Doctoral dissertation (articles)

    Publication series

    NameTampere University of Technology. Publication
    ISSN (Print)1459-2045


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