“It’s a total no-no”: The strategic silence about gender in the European Parliament’s economic governance policies.

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The European Union’s (EU) economic governance is a pivotal question for gender equality in the EU, yet gender equality concerns have been sidelined in governance processes. This article analyzes the struggles involved in integrating a gender perspective into the EU’s economic governance in the European Parliament (EP). It explores how the EP, often perceived as a champion of gender equality, constructs gender in relation to economic governance and how conflicts between the EP’s political groups and committees influence the EP’s ability to challenge gendered inequalities related to the governance regime. This article reveals that the EP’s positions have been characterized by strategic silence about gender and understandings of gender equality as a productive factor that legitimized gendered policies. Party-political conflicts and compromises that have sidelined critical views and a boundary between social and economic issues and actors were key barriers for the integration of critical gender perspectives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)403–417
Issue number3
Early online dateJul 2021
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 2


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