Meanings Attributed to Literature in Language Education

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This study examines the meanings attributed to literature in language education by Finnish General Upper Secondary teachers of English as a Foreign Language. The study employs a phenomenological research design structured around the concepts of language education, literature and values in education. The phenomenological analysis examines five semi-structured interviews from teachers who have experience in including literature in their language education practice. The interviews were conducted both in person and over the phone and audio-recorded, transcribed and processed using qualitative data management software. The analysis showed that literature in language education was experienced as challenged, challenging, framed, a cultural phenomenon, a cultural practice, a path for cross-curricular collaboration, tool for learning and an opportunity for personal growth. The values transmitted through these meanings reflected a balancing act between acknowledging the value of literature for individuals’ holistic growth and the value literature holds for language learning. The results suggest that literature in language education as a phenomenon is more than select texts and practices in a pedagogical setting. Furthermore, employing literature within the language education paradigm can narrow the gap between foreign language teaching and teaching literature, because both language education and teaching literature value the personal growth of the individual.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-32
Issue number1
Early online date2021
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • literature
  • language education
  • values
  • phenomenology

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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