Method and Apparatus for Managing Notifications

Tatu Jaakko Prykäri (Inventor), Jussi Antero Järvenpää (Inventor), Jokko Koronen (Inventor), Pete Paasivirta (Inventor), Laura Emilia Oinas (Inventor), Ilkka Korhonen (Inventor), Peter Mikelsons (Inventor), Cynthia Kuo (Inventor), Kenneth Tracton (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An approach is provided for managing and rendering notifications (i.e., notifications from one or more sources). A notification manager receives one or more requests for rendering one or more notifications at a device. In response to the one or more requests, the notification manager determines one or more notification policies at a device. Further, the notification manager determines one or more schedules for rendering the one or more notifications and causes, at least in part, rendering of the one or more notifications.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2012112908
IPCG08B 21/ 00 A I
Priority date5/11/10
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2012
Externally publishedYes
Publication typeH1 Granted patent


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