title = "National, global, regional - Where is the core of the Nordic communication research?",
author = "Ullamaija Kivikuru and Kaarle Nordenstreng",
year = "2010",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-91-88212-84-9",
series = "G{\"o}teborgs studier i journalistik och masskommunikation",
number = "61",
pages = "105--124",
editor = "Thorbj{\"o}rn Broddason",
booktitle = "Norden och v{\"a}rlden: Perspektiv fr{\aa}n forskningen om medier och kommunikation. En bok till{\"a}gnad Ulla Carlsson. The Nordic Countries and the World: Prespectives from Research on Media and Communication. A Book for Ulla Carlsson.",