On the Strain Rate Sensitivity of Coarse-Grained Rock: A Mesoscopic Numerical Study

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A numerical study on the strain rate sensitivity of coarse-grained rock fracture under dynamic loading is presented. For this purpose, the embedded discontinuity finite element method is employed as a numerical tool. Moreover, a mesoscopic description of grain boundary-grain interior structure of rock is given. Thereby, the present approach is able to account for inter- and intragranular failure types of rock. The numerical simulations carried out here corroborate the conception that in direct tension the dynamic increase of tensile strength of rock is a real material property. Moreover, the simulations agree
with the hypothesis that in uniaxial compression the dynamic increase of compressive strength is a structural effect due to lateral inertia. Finally, the numerical simulations of the dynamic Brazilian disc test suggest that structural effects also contribute to the dynamic increase in the apparent indirect tensile strength.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3229–3240
JournalRock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 2


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