Opiskelijoiden ohjaus kliinisen työn ohessa – opiskelijoiden arviot

Translated title of the contribution: Teaching of medical students alongside  clinical work – a survey amongst  medical students

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BACKGROUND Physicians frequently instruct medical students alongside their work, but few have received teaching training. Previously, no studies in Finland have been published concerning the guidance and teaching of medical students performed by clinicians alongside their clinical work.
METHODS In our survey we asked Tampere University medical students in their 4th to 6th year of studies to rate the teaching they had received from clinicians. We also asked the students for different strategies they find to be associated with good teaching.
RESULTS At total of 262 of 423 students responded to the survey and the response rate was 62%. In general, students rated the teaching and guidance they received as good. Still, almost every subcategory revealed needs for improvement, the greatest being the need for feedback. In open-ended answers students reported that they value a clinician who teaches, is kind and gives students opportunities for independent work. Students also presented efficient strategies for teaching when working under time pressure.
CONCLUSIONS The flaws that emerged concerning the guidance of students could be improved by utilizing the answers received from the students. In the future, it could be possible to improve the quality of medical studies by providing clinicians with training in guidance and teaching skills.
Translated title of the contributionTeaching of medical students alongside  clinical work – a survey amongst  medical students
Original languageFinnish
Pages (from-to)1648-1657
JournalSuomen Lääkärilehti
Issue number33
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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