Overcoming the ill-posedness through discretization in vector tomography: Reconstruction of irrotational vector fields

Research output: Working paperPreprintScientific


Vector tomography methods intend to reconstruct and visualize vector fields in restricted domains by measuring line integrals of projections of these vector fields. Here, we deal with the reconstruction of irrotational vector functions from boundary measurements. As the majority of inverse problems, vector field recovery is an ill posed in the continuous domain and therefore further assumptions, measurements and constraints should be imposed for the full vector field estimation. The reconstruction idea in the discrete domain relies on solving a numerical system of linear equations which derives from the approximation of the line integrals along lines which trace the bounded domain. This work presents an extensive description of a vector field recovery, the fundamental assumptions and the ill conditioning of this inverse problem. More importantly we show that this inverse problem is regularized via the domain discretization, i.e. we show that the recovery of an irrotational vector field within a discrete grid em ploying a finite set of longitudinal line integrals, leads to a consistent linear system which has bounded solution errors. We elaborate on the estimation of the solution's error and we prove that this relative error is finite and therefore a stable vector field reconstruction is ensured. Such theoretical aspects are critical for future implementations of vector tomography in practical applications like the inverse bioelectric field problem. We validate our theoretical results by performing simulations that reconstruct smooth irrotational fields based solely on a finite number of boundary measurements and without the need of any additional or prior information (e.g. transversal line integrals or source free assumption).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2017
Externally publishedYes
Publication typeNot Eligible


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