Screening Terminal Positions at a Terminal

Lauri Aarne Johannes Wirola (Inventor), Tommi Antero Laine (Inventor), Matti Raitoharju (Inventor), Niilo Torsten Sirola (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    It is disclosed an apparatus, a method and a computer program for determining, at a terminal, whether at least one terminal position associated with a coverage area of a communication node shall be discarded or reported to allow at least one of said coverage area and said communication node to be characterized at least partially based on said at least one reported terminal position.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2010101546
    IPCH04B 7/ 00 A I
    Priority date4/03/09
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Sept 2010
    Publication typeH1 Granted patent


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