Tracing data: Data citation roadmap for Finland

Heidi Laine, Ari Asmi, Ella Bingham, Juha Hakala, Helena Laaksonen, Petri Myllymäki, Susanna Nykyri

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This document presents a roadmap for the Finnish research community for implementing research data citation practices. The roadmap consists of an evaluation of the current situation, description of the target state and recommendations on measures that would lead from the current situation to the target state. It also presents an information model for data references.

The roadmap has been produced by the Finnish Committee for Research Data (FCRD) in dialogue with other members of the Finnish research community. The Ministry of Education and Culture Open Science and Research Initiative has instigated and funded the work. Data citation is considered to be one of the core processes of an open scholarly research system. Thus far, data citation practices are poorly implemented worldwide, but once established, they are expected to facilitate the crediting of data work, providing attribution detail, facilitating access, fostering collaboration, and ensuring transparency and reproducibility of science and scholarship. Finland has an opportunity to set an example to other national research systems, thus solidifying our position as a global leader in open science.

To ensure international interoperability the Tracing Data Project has used the FORCE11 Data Citation Synthesis Group: Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles (2014) as a key reference as well as a conceptual framework. The full declaration can be found at
Original languageEnglish
PublisherFinnish Committee for Research Data
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 10 Apr 2018
Publication typeNot Eligible


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