Use of aerodynamically favorable tapered form in contemporary supertall buildings

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Today, supertall buildings can be constructed in unusual forms as a pragmatic reflection of advances in construction techniques and engineering technologies, together with advanced computational design tools for architectural design. As with many other buildings, architectural and practical principles play a crucial role in the form of a supertall building, where aerodynamic behavior shaped by wind-induced excitations also becomes a critical design input. Various methods are used to meet the functional needs of these towers and reduce excitations, including aerodynamic modification methods directly related to the building form. Tapered forms are one of the most frequently used and most effective methods in today's skyscrapers, which significantly affect architectural design. To date, no study has been conducted in the literature that provides an understanding of the interrelationships between tapered building forms and main planning criteria, considering the aerodynamic design concerns of the tapering effect in supertall buildings (≥300 m). This important issue is explored in this article with data gathered from 41 supertall case studies, considering location, function, structural system, and structural material as well as the aerodynamic taper effect. The main findings of the study highlighted the following: (1) Asia was where tapered towers were most favored, with a wider margin in all regions; (2) mixed-use was the most preferred function in selected supertall buildings with tapered form; (3) outriggered frame systems were mainly used; (4) tapered supertall cases were mostly built in composite; (5) the sample group included 17 cases that used the tapering effect with aerodynamic design concerns, some of which were accompanied by corner modifications. It is believed that this study will be a basic guide for design and construction professionals including architectural and structural designers, and contractors.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)183-196
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 31 Aug 2022
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 0


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