title = "{"}Vahvistan, ett{\"a} t{\"a}m{\"a} k{\"a}{\"a}nn{\"o}s on ...{"}: Autenttisuuden dilemma(ko) auktorisoidun k{\"a}{\"a}nt{\"a}j{\"a}n tutkinnossa?",
author = "Marja Kivilehto",
year = "2020",
month = dec,
day = "31",
language = "Suomi",
series = "VAKKI publications",
publisher = "VAKKI ry.",
number = "12",
pages = "170--182",
editor = "Heidi Hirsto and Mona Enell-Nilsson and Hannele Kauppinen-R{\"a}is{\"a}nen and Nicole Keng",
booktitle = "Ty{\"o}el{\"a}m{\"a}n viestint{\"a} III, Arbetslivskommunikation III, Workplace Communication III, Kommunikation im Berufsleben III",
note = "VAKKI Symposium ; Conference date: 06-02-2020 Through 07-02-2020",