Valtaosa lääkäreistä ei kannata resertifikaatiota

Translated title of the contribution: Majority of physicians does not support recertification

Heidi Viiki, Sami Heistaro, Hannu Halila, Markku Sumanen

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Background: In many countries in Europe there is a system of recertification, physicians have to renew their medical licenses after a certain period. In Finland there is no such system.
Methods: The Physician 2018 study was based on data retrieved from a survey conducted among Finnish physicians in 2018. Information was gathered using both an electronic form as well as a mailed questionnaire. The sample was drawn from the registers of the Finnish Medical Association and comprised those under 70 years of age who were born on even-numbered days. The response rate was 46%. The respondents were asked whether they thought the medical license should be temporary (the so-called recertification system). The results were analysed according to gender, age group and type of specialty. Crosstabulation with chii square test and logistic regression analysis were used.
Results: The question about recertification was answered by 5214 physicians. Out of the resepondents 54.8% were positive towards recertification, 15.4% were negative towards it. The rate of those answering “I cannot say” was 29.8%. The stance was same regardless of the examined group. If, however, the recertification system would be implemented in Finland, according to the physicians who responded to the survey it should primarily be based on taking part in continuous medical education. Written examination was clearly the least supported option.
Conclusions: Physicians’ negative stance on recertification has remained strong. At the moment there are no national plans for temporary medical licensing for physicians.
Translated title of the contributionMajority of physicians does not support recertification
Original languageFinnish
Article numbere:39221
Pages (from-to)707
Number of pages1
JournalSuomen Lääkärilehti
Issue number17-18
Publication statusPublished - 10 Apr 2024
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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