Views of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Manufacturer Representatives around the World on CLT Practices and Its Future Outlook

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Due to its recent emergence, there is a limited body of global market research available on CLT. Presently, the literature lacks comprehensive understanding regarding the present state, varied uses, and future outlook of CLT construction at a global level. The objective of this article is to address this knowledge gap by conducting semi-structured, in-depth interviews with CLT manufacturer representatives around the world, including Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Japan, Canada, and Uruguay. Critical findings emphasized that (1) the predominant mention was about the insufficient knowledge and experience within construction professionals; (2) a clear need for heightened expertise and training in the domain of CLT was underscored; (3) CLT was regarded as a favorable choice in efforts to combat climate change; (4) CLT was deemed highly appropriate for settings marked by variable climatic conditions; (5) CLT producers, particularly those with comprehensive, vertically integrated operations encompassing the entire processing cycle, remained unaffected by the rise in raw material costs; (6) the COVID-19 pandemic generally yielded positive impacts on the CLT market; (7) primary application of CLT, as emphasized by most manufacturers, is in residential and institutional projects; and (8) most manufacturers noted the expansive and boundless opportunities within the market, especially considering the climate crises as potential future avenues for the utilization of CLT. This article aims to advance the widespread adoption of CLT within the global construction sector. It will achieve this by elucidating the obstacles, possibilities, and forthcoming prospects associated with CLT.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2912
Number of pages29
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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