Which is primary: Preference or perceived instoration?

Kalevi Korpela, Eleanor Ratcliffe

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There is a lack of consensus on whether preference informs evaluations of urban and natural scenes as psy-chologically restorative or instorative, or whether instorative perceptions inform preference. Perceptions of restorative potential and outcomes without a prior stress intervention are called instorative. In two online experimental studies conducted across long (N =140) and short (N =110) timeframes, we show a primacy effect for instorative perceptions; that is, evaluations of the instorative benefits of a scene are better predictors of ratings of preference than preference ratings of perceived instorative benefits. This was true for both natural and urban types of scenes. We found support for perceived instoration and affective appraisals being similarly strong and independent mediators. Their relative share in affecting preference or perceived instorativeness could not be reliably differentiated. Examination of thoughts, memories, and identity elicited by viewing such scenes may further clarify relationships between environmental preference and instoration.
Original languageEnglish
Article number101617
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • preference
  • psychological restoration
  • instoration
  • positive affect

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 2


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