Wooden Additional Floors in Old Apartment Buildings: Perspectives of Housing and Real Estate Companies from Finland

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This paper examined various stages and advantages of wooden additional floors from the perspective of Finnish housing and real estate companies through interviews with professionals involved in these projects. Main findings highlighted: (1) commercial conditions should be carefully analyzed for return on investment; (2) city plan change and the presence of a potential contractor and an expert were generally considered important issues; (3) considerations regarding city planning, parking spaces, load-carrying capacity, and new building codes were highlighted as critical factors for feasibility study; (4) existing building regulations and building rights regarding the subscription fee and tax issues should be considered during project planning; (5) city plan change and building rights with different tendering conditions were reported as important parameters in implementation planning; (6) an efficient flow of information between the parties involved was vital to the successful progress of the construction phase. Wooden additional floor construction, which requires commitment, investment, and cooperation between interested parties, has great potential regarding construction technology and contracting mechanisms. Additionally, this sustainable approach has many advantages concerning the environment, economy, energy efficiency, and aesthetics. In this sense, it is believed that this study will contribute to the diffusion of wooden additional floor construction in other countries besides Finland.
Original languageEnglish
Article number316
Number of pages18
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed

Publication forum classification

  • Publication forum level 1


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