Electrochemically Synthesized Polymer-Graphene Oxide Composite Films as Supercapacitor Materials

  • Sampo Tuukkanen (Contributor)

    Aktiviteetti: Konferenssiesitelmä


    Oral presentation given by Pia Damlin in EMN Fall Meeting 2014, in Orlando, Florida. Authors: Pia Damlin1, Milla Suominen1, Antti Viinikanoja1, Jussi Kauppila1, Suvi Lehtimäki2, Sampo Tuukkanen2, Donald Lupo2 and Carita Kvarnström1 Affiliations: 1Turku University Centre of Materials and Surfaces (MatSurf), Laboratory of Materials Chemistry and Chemical Analysis, University of Turku, Vatselankatu 2, FI-20014 Turku, Finland 2Tampere University of Technology, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Korkeakoulunkatu 3, P.O. Box 692, FI-33101, Tampere, Finland
    Aikajakso24 marrask. 2014
    Tapahtuman otsikkoEnergy, Materials, and Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting
    Tapahtuman tyyppiConference
    SijaintiOrlando, YhdysvallatNäytä kartalla